Wednesday 21 June 2017

"I CAN" Attitude

The "I CAN" attitude;

My journey in Mary Kay has made me realize about the full potential of human being. If an uneducated mother of three who got married at the age of 18 can do it, why can't I? And the story of one ESSD who got fired after her husband's business went bankrupt, and can only afford to eat maggie for three months while being pregnant of her first baby. If she can do it why can't I?

There was one woman who lost almost everything, her business, her house and nearly lost her car as well, which become her shelter. She ended up having only Rm2 and she can't even afford to buy Mary Kay starter kit. Living in her car, had nothing left but still, she did it it. So why can't I?

Dear friends,
Let me help you to discover you "I CAN" attitude. It's all started with BELIEVE.

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